Mens Healthy
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Understanding ED Treatments and Prescriptions

ED treatment options have improved dramatically over recent years. Currently there are several effective non-invasive treatments available. All of these methods should be discussed with a medical professional such as the physicians at Erectile dysfunction, also known as ED, refers to the inability to become erect long enough to engage in sexual activity with your partner. It can affect men of all ages, but it tends to strike men in their middle years – age 35 and up. And it’s no wonder – because erectile dysfunction is often the symptom of an underlying health problem.

One of the more commonly prescribed medications used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction is PDE-5 inhibitors, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Viagra is the top-selling prescription erection medication; however, it isn’t the only one. generic versions of this drug are available for sale, and they work well. The reason that Viagra is so popular is because it’s one of the few drugs out there that have proven results in studies with patients who have other underlying health conditions.

Other medications used in the treatment of ED are those that correct the underlying medical condition that may be causing it. For example, the beta-blockers Elavil and Ventricular Dilator (ventricular fibrillation, or VF) are used to treat cardiac problems. These drugs work by keeping a patient’s heart rate from spiking. Side effects of these drugs can range from slight dizziness to palpitations and chest pain, and serious side effects such as stroke have been reported. That said, these are the most commonly prescribed non-ED treatments; there are many other medications on the market that have yielded positive results in the treatment of ED.

Another one of the more commonly prescribed prescription of medications is antihypertensive medicines. Unlike Viagra and other drugs used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure is not usually considered a curable condition. But high blood pressure can cause symptoms such as erectile dysfunction. In order to prevent this, some doctors prescribe beta-blockers to help lower the patient’s blood pressure, which allows them to have a normal sexual life. As with other prescription ed treatments, patients need to have a blood pressure examination first before taking these medicines, and should avoid taking these drugs while taking other medication for high blood pressure.

Other prescription ed treatments are those that address the cause of ED. For example, potassium aminobenzoate, or potassium, has been used to treat enlarged prostate, or PE, which may lead to ED if left untreated. Because the chemical itself is corrosive and causes ulcers in the lining of the bladder, patients are advised not to take potassium aminobenzoate without supervision and under a doctor’s care. Also, other ED medications like sildenafil citrate, or Viagra, are only available by prescription and carries the same kind of risks as ED medications like sildenafil citrate.

ED medications basically block the blood vessels carrying blood to the penis. They work by restricting the flow of blood to the organ. The flow of blood normally increases during sexual excitement, and then slows down afterwards. Such medications are known as blood thinners. One common type of blood thinner is Aspirin, also known as warfarin, which limits the number of platelets that blood carries. If too much of this blood carries oxygen-rich blood (red blood cells), it could result in an erection, but not in fullness or strength.

ED Treatments, or electronic devices to treat erectile dysfunction, are the hottest topic of discussion right now. Men around the country are flocking to their local drug stores in search of a cure for their inability to get hard or stay hard. They are not only looking for something that will work, they are begging doctors to give them the miracle solution that they so desperately need. So, who exactly are these people?

First, we must understand what is an ED and why do men suffer from this sexual dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection long enough to complete sexual intercourse. Beyond the physical aspect of it, men suffer psychologically from it as well. This is because for many men, their relationship with their spouse is very important to them. If they cannot have sex, their emotional well being is severely affected.

When searching for a treatment for erectile dysfunction, you have two main options. You can choose either to use pharmaceuticals or alternative treatments such as surgery and clinical trials. Both of these options have their own set of benefits and downside that you should be aware of before you make your final decision. Also, both of these choices do offer ED treatments but each of them offers a slightly different approach to treating this condition.

When looking at and treatments through the eyes of conventional medicine, the first option that you will see is usually pharmaceuticals like Viagra or Cialis. These are the “traditional” treatments and come in the form of prescription medications. They are designed to help with the physical aspect of erectile dysfunction and provide a bit of short term relief for the patient until more drastic measures can be taken. The downside to these medications is that most have some sort of side effects and most are extremely expensive.

Another type of ED treatment that you may want to consider is called non-pharmacologic interventions. These treatments work in conjunction with conventional medications to help improve the functioning of the penile muscles and increase the amount of blood flow to the erectile chambers during erection. Some of these treatments include non-pharmacologic sildenafil and oral medications like tadalafil.

The last type of treatment that you may want to consider is called stem cell therapy. This is the least common but potentially the most effective of all ED treatments available. Stem cells are able to produce new erectile tissue in the body which has the effect of increasing the size and strength of the penis. The downside to this type of treatment is that it requires living human sperm cells and will not result in a full term erection because the new cells cannot function properly unless they are able to engender a life.

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