STD Test Singapore: What Shows on STD Test?
STD testing can be done in a couple of different ways. Some tests may not show anything because the disease is too new to have shown up on a test or because it has taken a while for this STD to develop into a condition that will reveal itself through a lab test.
If you’re concerned about your status, the only sure way you can know if you are sick or not is through an STD test. Singapore boasts several STD test clinics so you shouldn’t find it really difficult getting tested if you’re in Singapore. Here are some of the ways you can find out if you have an STD, which should all be addressed by your doctor:
- Physical exam and/or visual inspection
- Blood samples
- Urine sample
- Swab from inside of mouth, vagina, or rectum
- Plaque lift from genitals (a swab that scrapes tissue off the cervix)
If you suspect that you have been exposed to any STDs in the past and you want to get an STD test in Singapore but don’t know where to start, visit your local clinic or healthcare provider.
What do the Different Tests Screen for?
STD tests generally detect antibodies that your body creates when they come in contact with a specific STD. Some tests can also find antigens (parts of an organism that causes disease) in the blood or urine, which they use as markers to differentiate between similar STDs.
Sometimes it is necessary to use two tests together to detect one particular STD. For example, HIV-1 and HIV-2 infection is detected by both an ELISA test and a Western blot assay, or Hepatitis A and B infections are determined by looking at antibody titers against hepatitis A virus or hepatitis B virus, respectively.
Can you get an STD without knowing it?
Most people are worried about STDs because some of them may sit in your body for as long as they can and only cause symptoms after advanced damage has been made to your system. Because of this, it isn’t really unnatural to find patients who are wondering whether there is a possibility of catching an STD without knowing.
If you’re wondering whether you can get an STD without knowing it, the answer is; yes, if the disease is new to your body or has not yet reached the point of revealing itself in a test, then you may contract an STD and not know it. Furthermore, some STDs never show up on tests because they were contracted long ago (i.e., Hepatitis C).
This can be dangerous since early treatment can prevent future damage to your liver and possibly save your life. If left untreated for too long, the disease will become chronic and create complications like cirrhosis or liver cancer. If you suspect that you think you have been exposed to any STDs in the past and want to get an STD test in Singapore right away, visit your local clinic or healthcare provider.
What happens if you have an STD
If your STD test in Singapore reveals that you have an STD, you will be advised to seek treatment immediately. The longer you wait to do anything about it, the harder it will be for your body to fight off the infection—this can make complications more likely.
Furthermore, some STDs cause permanent damage if they are not treated in time (i.e., genital warts). Some other consequences of having an untreated STD include the inability to get pregnant, possible death due to ectopic pregnancy, and increased risk of HIV/AIDS transmission and infection. You should visit a doctor as soon as possible after contracting any kind of STD (not just for testing) because they will be able to determine if you need treatment, what kind of treatment you will need, and how soon it should begin.
How Often should you get Tested for STDs
If your doctor tells you that you do not have any signs or symptoms indicating that you are infected with an STD, but they suggest that you are at risk for contracting one, then it is a good idea to visit the clinic every three months for testing. If they have already diagnosed you with an STD, then follow-up tests may be necessary depending on which disease was detected.
Other times when testing is recommended include: after having unprotected sex; whenever your partner has more than one sexual partner; the beginning of a new relationship/sexual partnership; annual HIV counseling and screening; and/or any time you notice unusual symptoms.
If you have the tests, the lab will be able to give your doctor or clinic a positive or negative result. If it is positive, then they will also be able to tell which disease you tested positive for so your doctor can begin treatment immediately. If the test came back negative, then you should continue using protection during sex until another test is given in three months’ time because it is still possible that you have an STD without knowing it.
Even if both tests are negative, however, this does not rule out the possibility that you could contract an STD within the next few weeks or months—this just means that you were not infected with anything at that time. When receiving STD testing results, it is important to stick to your doctor’s guidelines on what you can and cannot do. Unless they say that you are free of infections and diseases, you should continue using protection until your next STD test in Singapore.
In Closing
STD testing is essential for the early detection of diseases so they do not progress to dangerous levels. If you have been having unprotected sex, it is even more important to get tested because STDs are much easier to treat when they are at an earlier stage in your body. You can receive accurate STD testing results quickly by visiting a clinic or doctor’s office that has the proper equipment to do so.
At The Health Advisory Clinic, we are committed to providing accurate, fast, and confidential results. We use certified testing kits for STD diagnosis, so you can rest assured that the information is correct. Visit us at now for more information or SMS your contact details to (+65) 6226 6442 or WhatsApp us at (+65) 9886 6442.
The Health Advisory Clinic – Women’s Health | STD/HIV Testing
1 Raffles Pl, #04-49, Singapore 048616
+65 9886 6442
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