Mens Healthy
Art is not a luxury, but a necessity.

3 Potential Reasons You’re Feeling Tired All The Time

If you consistently feel tired, then it can start to affect your life in a wide variety of ways. From your productivity to your mood, feeling sluggish and worn down is no fun. And while all of us may feel occasionally fatigued, especially in our older years, in some cases, it may become consistent despite getting enough rest.

If you’ve been feeling more tired than usual recently, then here are some potential reasons..

Poor Quality of Sleep

The quantity of sleep isn’t everything. Regardless of sleeping at least 8 hours of sleep at night, you may be tired because of the quality of rest you’re getting. Fragmented sleep is not enough to make you feel rested in the morning. 

Perhaps you have restless legs, or you’re thirsty frequently throughout the night which causes you to wake up. Whatever reason for your lack of quality of sleep may be attributed to feeling tired despite having slept an adequate amount. The best way to encourage a good night’s rest is by setting your sleep environment up in a way that promotes sleep.

Make sure the lights are dim, there’s no unwanted noises, and go to the bathroom before sleep!  Keep a glass of water next to your bed, and do whatever it takes to reduce the amount of time that you have to get up in the middle of the night.

Poor Diet

Some people eat far too much before bedtime which ultimately results in an upset stomach.  Try to eat lightly right before bedtime, and avoid processed foods or heavy carbohydrates. This can lead to an upset stomach and ultimately disturbed sleep. 

Yet, what you eat before bed is not only important. What you eat during the day can also make a significant difference in your energy levels.  If you eat extremely heavy foods or very sugary foods this can lead to high spikes in blood sugar followed by a crash which can leave you feeling sluggish throughout the day.  

Your sluggishness during the day may also be a result of dehydration. Drink as much water as possible throughout the day and you may just find that your energy levels skyrocket.

Lack of Physical Activity

It may seem counterintuitive, yet, the more you move, the more energized you will be! When your body is active, it increases your blood flow and improves your overall cardiovascular health, ultimately boosting your energy. 

Do you notice that you feel more tired on days that you’re less active? Pay attention to how you feel on your more active days. When you feel extreme dips and energy, try to pay attention to how much you moved that day and what the circumstances were.

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